Into the Zombie World

Chapter 140 - Katrina And The Pink Gang

Led by a Level Two° Human, a group of human survivors with a pink handkerchief tied around their body could be seen hiding in a huge run-down building. 

They were on the second floor of the huge building and were crawling on the floor like cockroaches, afraid of attracting attention. 

The Female Level Two° human, raised her hand to gather the attention of her subordinates. She made a hand gesture that her subordinates responded to with a nod. 

The Level Two° Human was Katrina. She was one of the higher members of the Pink Surge Faction. After knowing that their enemy, the Blue Wave Faction might have obtained a Level Two° Apocalypse Virus, she immediately gathered her subordinates to try and obtain one for themselves. 

According to the report done by her subordinates, the Level Two° zombie was last sighted around this area. It was said that it entered this building and didn\'t go out since then. It had already been an hour since then.

After a group of animals and zombie animals appeared all of a sudden this morning, the Level Two° zombies seemed to have become more active. Usually, they would only hide inside their territory and only hunt those human survivors that would get near the location. 

Just like humans when consuming the Apocalypse Virus, the Level Two° zombie would also need to absorb the brain that they had eaten to raise their intelligence. That\'s why they would usually only go out, when a human entered their territory or when they had already finished absorbing the brain they had eaten before. 

Inside their territory, the Level Two° zombie would usually hide in ambush. That\'s why it is very dangerous to enter one without sufficient information and preparation.

That\'s the reason why it\'s hard to kill a Level Two° zombie. 

That\'s why before an operation to kill a Level Two° zombie, they would send out a team first to monitor its territory, and only when it would go out would they act to try and kill the Level Two° zombie instantly.

According to Teryo, the Level Two° zombie that the Blue Wave Faction had probably killed by now, had arrived all of a sudden and instantly consumed a brain on the spot before turning its eyes towards the other humans around the area. 

Considering the Level Two° zombie\'s past behavior it was indeed strange. Even if they did go out, they would usually only loiter around their territory. The area where Teryo and the others fought was supposedly an area clear of Level Two° zombies. What they needed to take note of, was just supposed to be only the Level One° zombies. It was a surprise that a Level Two° zombie appeared in that area. 

It was as if a trigger had been pulled, causing them to act differently.

According to the report from her subordinate, the zombie they were monitoring also left its territory this morning. After tracking, it was last seen entering this building. 

As it had just only entered, it must still be trying to search for a good place to ambush for now. This would be their perfect time to kill it. 

Slowly, Katrina and her subordinates closed on towards the stairs leading upwards. They already checked the basement as well as the entire first floor and the Level Two° zombie was not there. 

Katrina raised her hand yet again before closing her fist. It was a gesture for her subordinates to halt. 

Crawling towards a room, she touched a darkish fluid that was painted on the wall. Pinching it, she confirmed that it was blood. And it\'s not dried yet. She instantly concluded that the blood came from the Level Two° zombie they were trying to hunt. 

Her hand was instantly raised in the air while doing complicated gestures which her subordinates could only nod wryly. 

Point Rock Paper Scissors Waves? 

Question marks could be seen around the face of Katrina\'s subordinates. They didn\'t understand what those gestures meant, but because it\'s \'Katrina\' they could only nod in response.


Kicking the semi-opened door forcefully, Katrina instantly rolled and got inside the room. Her subordinates also didn\'t disappoint her as they immediately followed inside without delay. 

Glancing around the messed up room, Katrina was able to spot the Level Two° zombie they were looking for. 

In the corner of the room, a female Level Two° zombie could be seen slurping a brain inside a human skull. 

The instant it heard the sound, the zombie instantly turned its head and looked towards the newcomers in alert. 

Seeing the various weapons on their hands, the zombie instantly stood up and made an ear-piercing cry.


The zombie\'s ghastly appearance had come into full view towards the Pink Surge Faction. 

Thin legs that resembled a stick, rotting thigh muscles, bloated stomach, overly long nails that shone with a metallic luster, horse-like mouth, and sparse hair on its head. On its left chest, an open wound could be seen extending from the shoulder towards the ribs. Her beating black-ish heart could be seen beating weakly behind that grizzly wound.

"Attack! Don\'t let that bitch escape!" Katrina bellowed as she dashed towards the female zombie. 

Drawing a sword from her waist, she instantly arrived in front of the zombie. 


Her attack was parried by the zombie\'s elongated nails. 


The sound of wind could be heard as Katrina leaned back, narrowly dodging the zombie nails that were swung at her. Her heart was beating wildly as cold shivers run down her spine. 

A slight mistake from there and a deep wound would surely be the reward for her carelessness. 

"Kill this bitch!" Katrina said, enraged. 

Multiple figures appeared around the zombie all of sudden. Donning different kinds of weapons, they rained on the zombie with multiple quick attacks.

Spears, swords, daggers, cleavers, maces, and even long scissors. 

Different kinds of attacks were thrown towards the Level Two° zombie.

However, a Level Two° zombie is a Level Two° zombie. No matter what kind of weapon you use, if you are not fast enough to land a hit, then you could do nothing other than to wait for the zombie\'s retaliation.

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