The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 336 - Anger.

After Professor Newton woke up, he told Yang Dao that they were attacked by a group of people and then they suddenly fell unconscious. The boy replied, "Sir, I did not find anyone here. When I arrived you and Candy were lying on the ground." 

The man thought and said, "Maybe stress got to my head. But What about Candy. Why did she fall unconscious?" 

Yang Dao shrugged his shoulders and said, "She is a child, Sir. Probably the sudden alarms scared her. We can get it checked up by the medics at the shelter. Shall we go?" 

He helped the man up on his feet and they slowly walked to the shelter. On the way, Candy chatted with Yang Dao about a lot of random things. This trivia lightened up the mood. After they arrived at the shelter they found that a few strong boys were guarding the door. They all saw Yang Dao approaching and nodded to him in greeting. 

The shelters were all equipped with basic surveillance and survival tools. So someone had informed the principal about their arrival. After all, Professor Newton was a senior faculty member and his being missing from the headcount, worried everyone. 

Aislinn Jasper came to meet them as soon as they came to the gate. The shelter was an underground bunker. It was developed in every college and every block of residential complexes. Later on, it was made mandatory to have an underground shelter in office buildings as well. This shelter had packaged food with a shelf life of 18 months. They also had a large amount of bottled water. 

The government will replace the food a few months before it would go spoilt. The stock inside could support a year of isolated life for as many as a thousand people in each shelter. You can imagine the extent of war preparations made by the nation. These shelters could take on nuclear explosions and be only accessible from the inside. So a team of five people will always be stationed inside. making it a safe house for the people. 

Aislinn Jasper came up, she saw the three people and let go of the burden in her heart. She urged them all to get inside but Yang Dao refused, he said, "Ma\'am, I am a special recruit and I am on duty. So I will not be going inside. You all can stay here and wait it out." 

The lady nodded and said, "Student Dao, take care of yourself out there?" 

Yang Dao nodded and after he gave the people a few instructions about patrolling and surveillance. Then he left the shelter. he was heading to the dao courtyard. A lot of work was left to be sorted out. Don\'t look at his gentle expressions, he had a storm raging inside him, and the people who will suffer his wrath were the four familiars and then the crypto nation. 

He walked his way to the mansion and came to sit down on the couch in the living room. He said, "RALF, fetch me a glass of water." 

Since it was a bot he was not inside the shelter. The bot walked out of the kitchen holding a tray with a glass of water placed over it. He said, "Master." 

Yang Dao took a sip of water and asked, "What happened to the tracking of that guy Omega?" 

RALF said, "The target could not be pinpointed but I was able to get his general location. It is suspected that he has developed an AI as well." with no expressions in his voice. 

Yang Dao said, "Is the suspected AI better than you?" 

RALF nodded and said, "Given the state of the Hyper-humans we just saw, it is better than me. This sort of thing cannot be done with a human brain until they have been living and researching for at least five hundred years."

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Go, start learning everything you can. We do not have much time to wait left. I do not wish to see them invading and attacking us again. Also, this time they caught the whole nation off guard. Check the whole nation, I want to see every human and bug that has been to the crypto nation. Screen them for any biological and mental anomaly." 

RALF nodded and stood aside, manipulating his servers and cloud storage. The Dao Child finished drinking the water and said, "Shadow, Luster." 

The two leopards leaped out of their hiding places. They sat down in front of him obediently. Yang Dao smiled and patted their heads gently as he said, "You guys did very good. I will cook for you today." 

Then he stood up and walked to his room to shower. Suddenly, he turned back to RALF and asked, "The staff in the shelter, are they comfortable?" 

The mansion had a dedicated shelter underground. The controlling team was Feng Yun\'s shadow guards in the guise of normal guards. RALF nodded and said, \'Yes, sir, they are fine." 

Yang Dao nodded and then only did he go to take a bath. After coming out he called Sister Tina, but the call did not connect, which meant that she was also inside the shelter. he came out of the room and walked to the kitchen. he started to cook the food and RALF stood behind him to act whenever called. 

The bot suddenly said, "Master, the crypto air strike division has been ordered to move toward the coast of Jewel Nation. Shall I act?"

Yang Dao did not reply immediately and said, "Hack in, take control of the force. Initiate the self destruct sequence of all the fighters moving towards us. However, eject the pilots first. No need to harm human life." 

RALF nodded and said, "As you command, Master." he acted as told and hacked inside the network of the Crypto nation air force. Within ten minutes all the fighters, whether airborne or grounded, all started to beep and the people were evacuated. What followed the ten minutes was a complete destruction of all the air force assets the country had. 

Yang Dao said, "Do the same to every other country in the world. No one is allowed to have arms. They create such things in the name of defence and after they see the strength of these machines, they start to harm the world for their selfish reasons. Only commercial assets are left. Destroy the arms and not the planes. This can be considered a leeway. Deliver a message, if any one is found to be arming the planes. Then they are on their own." 

RALF nodded and before acting he asked, "Master, is this a bit too much?" 

The boy said, "Do you think, there acting and attacking each other, harming human life, is it not too much? They shall be happy that I have not eradicated these scum in there governance and business field." 

RALF silently took a note and kept on doing what he was told to. The world governments received such a message collectively and it was destined to cause waves in the oceans. Some denied to believe it and still tried to arm there planes. The result was the planes blowing in fumes. It took them three days to accept the reality. 

Meanwhile, Yang Dao continued to cultivate himself. After three days, when the ripples calmed down, the four people returned to the Dao Courtyard Mansion. There faces were not good. Ryu Jinshi, after he came back with the corpses of the hyper humans he told all three of them, "Master is angry." 

They all saw the consequences of his anger. The world lost its air forces and other weapons of mass destruction as well. This included the Jewels nation too. Nobody knew who did this. People had came out of the shelters and they were happy that some one had diffused the ticking time bomb called, Military Power for them. 

Some "peace promoting" dignitaries even used the media to extend their thanks to those who did this thing. They emphasized that if the world governments were to put the resources and money in developing arms, were to develop human feelings thinsg would have been way better than the current state.  The civilians were happy but the governments were not.


Yang Dao sat under the pavilion with his eyes closed as he swayed on the rocking chair slowly. He did not react when the four people came inside the pavilion. His silence caused the peopel to gulp a mouthful of saliva. 

Suddenly, they felt cold all over their backs. Yang Dao opened his eyes and glanced at them with indifference. He said, "Explain to me. Why none of you had any idea about this thing? Are you elemental gods, so suppressed under the laws of the world? have your mastery over the two laws lost its meaning?" 

His words represented the calm before the storm.. They were scared to even talk. But how long can they not talk?

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