Reincarnated With SSS Deathless Skill in Female Dominated World!

Chapter 75 Secrets (2)

Chapter 75 Secrets (2)

Chapter 75: Secrets (2)

At last, Seraphina joined with the rest, throwing a corpse of werewolf before Hunter.

After thanking her for more than just fighting by their side, Hunter went ahead and used his skill to seal the corpse, putting his hand on the blood from which blood still flooded out in abundance.

His sealing skill parted like a mouth of a monster on his palm, sucking in the blood, only to soon send the corpse to his world, where Nakisha and Brandi should deal with the spirits\' doubles.

Moreover, as Hunter\'s skill was on the highest level as it was connected to the gray world, the spirits of werewolves and vampires had absolutely no way of escaping to their real bodies, trapped in their doubles for a very long time.

"That leaves her…" Hunter glanced at the loud vampire who had been defeated by him.

Aimee crossed her arms, "I\'m interested if she has loose lips on top of her loud mouth."

Seraphina curtly nodded.

At last, the loud vampire\'s consciousness returned to her body, her eyelids twitching only so slightly. Soon, she opened her eyes wide and received the after-effects of her fight against Hunter, for she was sore on her head and torso, particularly on the face where bruises were biting her.

That was nothing compared to the vista of Hunter, Aimee, and Seraphina looming over her as winners of the first clash between Hunter and World Order.

"You- Ah!"

Foreseeing her reaction, Hunter stomped on her stomach, pressing his foot on the wound to shut her blaring mouth.

Instantly chewing her lips to not let out any grunts, the vampire clenched her hands and stared at Hunter, the man whose blue eyes added coldness to the entire scenario.

"What\'s your status in the World Order?" Hunter asked.


"I could have told this much… if they sent someone better, we wouldn\'t have survived that. Let\'s begin from the start, then. What was your plan here?"

Since it wasn\'t anything confidential, the loud vampire told Hunter and his team that they had been planning to cripple him, forever disabling his prominent future by erasing his origins within him. And if Aimee and Seraphina took their offers, they would take them back to their headquarters to turn them into World Order Agents.

If not, they would just let them be.

"How can you tell what origins I have?" Hunter asked, intrigued to learn the technique to see through all origins dwelling within his body.

Well, he wouldn\'t be able to learn that as easily as others, but perhaps his Aimee would learn it fast with her amazing comprehension!

Alas, the next words of the loud vampire killed his enthusiasm.

"It\'s the vampire\'s special trait. By sinking my teeth into your neck, I can search your body system through veins and blood vessels, finding origins. I wouldn\'t be the one performing that as I am a newbie. The spirit dwelling within me would."

Hunter nodded, "I guess she\'s as silent as a mute person, isn\'t she?"

"Correct! How cruel of her! No words of encouragement to me! I might die soon!"

Aimee chimed in, "No one asked."

Staying silent was the best action the vampire spirit within this human contractor could have taken.

After seeing that Hunter could so easily seal the bodies of others within himself, she must have inferred a few things, such as Hunter being unable to take out bodies from his sealing skill… or even going there as easily as he wanted. It was better for her to stale Hunter\'s development and knowledge about the World Order.

Even better, the loud vampire contractor didn\'t really know much about her bosses.

As she explained, Hunter and his teammates came to the conclusion that World Order didn\'t stay out of everyone\'s eyes just because of their strength but mainly because of their practices.

For instance, this vampire contractor received a mission on her tablet, which she couldn\'t even bring with her out of the headquarters. Additionally, all important stuff was left in the hands of the spirits dwelling within her.

In a way, humans were like puppets.

"We\'re going south to the Region Fitz out of First Hunter Union\'s jurisdiction. It\'s under some noble as far as I am concerned… do you have anything to warn me about before we reach our destination?" Hunter continued asking the loud vampire contractor, hoping to get some information about the region where his first mission would soon begin since learning more about World Order was impossible.

His first mission was simply to hunt a few monsters before they could reach adulthood, increasing the threat to the human population there.

It was one of the popular missions as monsters there were breeding there faster than rabbits. Their patterns, habits, lives, and footprints were all gleaned by hunters willingly sharing this information with the union to increase their income and fame within their organization.

Given that things weren\'t as simple as they appeared, Hunter wanted to be prepared for any surprises.

"One of my new friends… said she was tasked to station there."

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

Indeed, things were never so simple.

"And I took this mission only because there are hot springs nearby!" Hunter face palmed himself.




As the last vampire was sealed in Hunter\'s world, the dense fog disappeared off the forest, leaving the carriage, scars of the battles, and three humans no longer concealed.

The red moon was also gone.

Hunter used his abnormal strength to carry over the carriage to where the merchant and her workers should be… yet he found nothing, meaning the sexy woman had escaped the disaster with her people.

"Well, there are organizations that prey on hunters and other world organizations. She must not have believed the vampire\'s recompensation and her words," Aimee shared her thoughts with the rest, believing that the merchant woke up in fear and just ran away.

Glancing behind at the carriage\'s driver seat, on which his girlfriend and Seraphina were perched, Hunter squinted his eyes at them and commented, "Shouldn\'t you help me pull the carriage over?"

"If you were a part of my harem, I would be the one using my strength to make you content," Aimee instantly replied with a flat tone, drowning her boyfriend in her passive-aggressive tone mixed with affection toward him.

Which was a voice Hunter couldn\'t dislike. It was like another tone she had reserved toward him.

Something unique…

It made him feel like he was a masochist, but he understood the cause of her words well!

"But since you\'re him and you want to surround yourself with women, I\'ll be relying on your making me satisfied. That\'s how it works, isn\'t it? I\'m a weaker gender in this setting," Aimee concluded her punishment.

The punishment for Hunter picking up a mission just because there were hot springs nearby!

When this bastard was gone for a week, Aimee had selected missions and even argued with the union to give them better ones since they were obviously stronger than typical newbie hunters.

Seraphina was a woman who hunted C-ranked monsters alone.

Hunter was a man with profound strength and mysteries who had killed one of the direct descendants of the guilds.

She herself had a royal background and spent their resources on strengthening herself.

Yet, they only gave them the mission because of the armor Seraphina sold!

Anyway, Aimee had carefully selected the missions, wrote cons and pros, and then added short notes about entertainment stuff, such as hot springs, famous restaurants, and others… only because she liked Hunter and wanted him to take her somewhere after the mission.

But this idiot didn\'t look at the important notes, only at the entertainment stuff, picking the mission to have a bath in mixed hot springs with her and Seraphina!

He must have already imagined them naked and wet long since the first mission even started.

"Outrageous!" Aimee said without hiding her anger, for Hunter had confirmed he was only interested in the hot springs. "We\'re limited by our skills and lack of diversity! But you… you didn\'t read the mission content and just imagined me naked, didn\'t you?!"

"I did! And it wasn\'t hard! I have you always by my side in thin pajamas, after all!" Hunter groaned happily as he pushed the carriage onto the proper road.

"Idiot! From now on, I\'m making decisions about missions! I won\'t even bother consulting you!" Aimee angrily fished the tablet out of her pocket and read the mission\'s content again.

"Do what you want! Those are only the first missions! We should be able to do them real fast before having some fun in other cities! I never imagined those missions to be a problem!"

"For the sake of doing them fast, we should pick the most convenient for us missions and use them to develop teamwork and create more diversity! Or you want me to pierce your heart from now on?!"

These two argued for a little…

Meanwhile, Seraphina grew slightly nervous.

Weren\'t they avoiding quite an important topic?

Shouldn\'t Hunter share more about his powers?

Seraphina inhaled deeply and raised her voice, "Hunter! Thank you for… believing in me!"

"I already thanked you for believing in me, too! And I don\'t mind thanking you again and again! I doubt I will find precious teammates like you two anytime soon… and we were against World Order!" Hunter threw his pearly smile at Seraphina before resuming his current work.

"You have become for me… what the guild leader of Darkness is for my elder sister."

At that moment, Hunter\'s heart jumped to his throat.

He never thought he\'d reach an influence like the boss in someone\'s heart so fast!

Seraphina continued, "I used to dislike my sister for that."

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