Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 338 - Space War II

If the enemy\'s spaceship sent out their Mech Frames, this means that they won\'t be able to easily fire their super cannons.

At the very least, the Knights Division will notice if they are planning to fire one in. 

After all, it is very easy to have friendly fire in this kind of battle if they are not careful. This is a proven case within the virtual world.

That is why their battle formation and angles of attack were extremely important. Of course, because both sides have superior A.I. assisting them, accidents can be lessened or be completely avoided.

"Hilda\'s team will stop the enemies approaching the Left Flank… We\'ll handle the Right Flank…"

"Yes, Leader!"

"Ferdie… Your Mech Frame is on a different level, you can try to break away our formation if you\'re confident!" 

Ray wanted to know Ferdie\'s thoughts… He knows that Ferdie\'s Issyl was built differently and its speed is top class. 

Aside from that, everyone in his team is an elite pilot… They are more than aware of their own abilities so he wanted to get their opinion on such matters.

"You\'re right… I\'ll observe them first then I\'ll see if I can outspeed them…"

"Alright… Do not hesitate to use all our Mana Reserves. We have our Magic Nodes and other Artifacts that will protect our cockpit… Unless they have Mech Frames that can fire similar to the level of Grade 5 Magic Spells, there wouldn\'t be a problem clashing against them…"

"Yes, Sir!"

[ Activate Energy-Mana Shell ]

Ferdie heard Avalon\'s reminder as they got closer to the enemy Mechs. 

[ Incoming Mechs Identified: 40 Wolf\'s Sledger, 30 Dragon\'s Warrior, and 30 Serpent\'s Marauder. ] 

They then saw the Mech Knights divided as they headed towards the two Divisions… It seems that they are thinking the same thing, to stop their Humanoid Machine\'s counterpart.

"Let\'s go!"

Ray Penber led his team as they activated their Front Barriers… Because they are outnumbered, they needed to stick together unless they are confident with their skills. As for their Mech Knight\'s capability, there was no way they\'ll doubt its prowess. If they didn\'t perform well, it is because they are limiting the power of the Mech Knights as they lack enough skills to fully utilize it… 

After all, they have seen a simulation from Avalon about the ideal method of piloting their Mechs before…

With this in mind, they need to show that they are the Elite Magicians of the younger generation! Aside from that, they also know that Wallace is recording everything that is happening right now!

From the moment the Excellence has appeared, there should\'ve been a live broadcast happening elsewhere and they can\'t let them down. 


The clash between the Frames and Knights started with firing a massive number of bullets to gauge the response time, speed, and maneuverability of their machines…

"Stay on Formation… Once the bullets were spent, switch to Mana Swords!"

His team already knows this but he wanted to stay connected with his fellow magicians…

[ Danger: All Sledger Mechs were accumulating strong heat energy… ] 

"Scatter!" Ray didn\'t hesitate at all…

The Mechs who clashed against them were only the Warriors and Marauders… They didn\'t notice it at first due to the messy battlefield but Avalon didn\'t fail to detect their strategy.

It seems that they are only buying some time for the Sledgers to cast their secret weapon or something…


A strong beam of light was suddenly sent out and was directed to the bunch of Mech Knights…

Ray gritted his teeth as he poured his mana into his shield. Apparently, the direction they were escaping to was already calculated by the enemy Mechs and were waiting for them.

Boom! They were directly hit by the enemy fire and their Mana Shields were slowly losing their energy.

Luckily, the Shields they created can handle their energy bullets and explosives… It means that as long as they have the mana supply, they will be able to defend against them…

Unfortunately, their energy filler is not unlimited… They will soon reach their limit so they have to quickly act.

"I\'ll try to disrupt them… Coordinate with my movements."

Finally, Ferdie decided to act after Avalon managed to calculate the enemy Mech Frame\'s machine capability.

Apparently, in terms of speed and mobility, his Issyl is superior to them. He\'s only lacking with firepower but it can be compensated by his Archon Series Mana Artifacts.

\'I can do this!\'

Ferdie activated his Mech Knight\'s Arcanist Phase…

The Arcanist Phase of his Mech Knight can only last for 3 minutes and it will spend 60% of his Mana Reserves. 

However, during this time, his Quantum Brainwaves Control System together with his Brain-Boost would further be enhanced as he would almost become one with the Mech Knight.

During this time, he will be able to continuously use his Archon Series Magic Spells as if there was no medium being used. 

Ace had designed this Arcanist Phase for some Mech Knights that have a solid foundation and those without excessive armaments as it will hinder the Magician.

Of course, he created this with Aeon Guardian in his mind. That magic or perhaps arcane technology that allows the magician to become almost invincible has truly marked on his heart.

Unfortunately, only Wallace\'s body is capable of releasing that Guardian and benefit from it.

Nevertheless, within the two Knights Division, only 5 Mech Knights can use the Arcanist Phase. He also didn\'t want everyone to have this capability as he doesn\'t have a solution to its backlash yet… 

So there must be other Mech Knights who can cover for it after the Phase has ended.


Ferdie with his Issyl Mech started his counterattack by casting a Mana Burst Spell against the group of Sledger Mech Frames behind the enemy formation. 


It was followed by an explosion as the Mana Burst destroyed three Mech Frames from the enemy!


"Mom! Where is dad?! There is an emergency broadcast… It\'s from outer space! Hurry!"

Clarice just arrived in their small town and was taking a rest within her room when she was notified about the current situation in outer space.

Just like what the Mech Pilots has expected. The current battle between their vanguard units against the Empire\'s forces is being shown almost everywhere to raise the awareness of people and clear up the rumors that they are only spreading lies and causing panic to people.

Of course, they didn\'t want the people to panic.

That is why Wallace has already conditioned their state of mind for quite a long time and even brought the Arians here as part of the plan.

If they were still panicking and terrified about the reality, then there is nothing much that he can do about it.

"Is it from Wallace or the other?" Elaine asked.

Wallace has already explained his body\'s situation to his parents and even sent the picture he took together with Ace before. As a matter of fact, it is now framed and posted to the living room.

"It is from Ace… Look, there are aliens! Just like the game he made!"

Clarice exclaimed as she showed them the enemy fleet and the Mech Frames of the enemies…

"Huh? I never doubted my son when he told us the truth before…" Elaine replied as she glanced at the device showing the current situation. 

She then left quickly and looked for his husband.

Chase Ravencroft was busy admiring the transforming Mech Knight that Clarice has brought from Wallace\'s factory.

Apparently, it flew like a jet to this town before transforming to a humanoid Mech Knight and kneeled on the ground in their backyard.

It was such an amazing sight and if Clarice didn\'t tell them earlier about this Knight, the town chief, and the Adept Mages would surely scramble to strengthen their town\'s barrier…

It would surely alarm everyone and might even send an emergency distress signal to the nearest city.

\'Haa~ I should\'ve requested one as well… If it\'s capable of diving the ocean, then it\'s better.\'

Chase mused for a bit but he knows that it is extremely difficult to have the Mech Knights working underwater. 

After all, the machine releases strong heat discharge on the surface, and it not good underwater as it would just create a steam explosion after vaporizing the water with high pressure. 

Unless Wallace created a different type of core, then it would be possible. This is the reason why he didn\'t want to request such a thing from his son…

As he was trying to analyze the Mech, his wife arrived bearing bad news… The alien empire from a very far planet is about to arrive here…

His son, together with his trusted aides, is currently holding them off. 

This is such an amazing feat and he silently hopes that their research about the Inheritance Pill can be worked on faster… 

He wanted to be able to help the ordinary people by strengthening them as quickly as possible…

Chase is clearly aware that his son\'s spaceships wouldn\'t have enough power to stop them completely based on the enemy\'s number.

However, through this action, he may be able to delay the Empire\'s arrival or hasten it instead if they were unlucky.

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