Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 301 - Just Keep Going

LET\'S CELEBRATE 300 CHAPTERS! Thank you! Your support and engagement with this story has been amazing. I\'m so grateful and humbled by all the ways you\'ve come along on this ride with me. Look for an extra chapter or two next week to say thank you for ALL the support you\'ve given!



It took a while for his heart to slow. He kept his face in Elreth\'s neck for longer than he should have—until she started worrying, kneading the back of his neck and whispering reassurance. But he braced himself, then raised his head to kiss her, slowly, softly.

She was anxious about walking back to the cave with her shirt torn, but since he\'d gotten the top buttons undone first there was at least enough of them to keep her covered. As she walked the lower halves of the shirt flapped open to reveal her stomach and Aaryn\'s body tightened again. His appetite for her still unsated. But even that felt… off. As if his body drove him towards her, not just his heart.

He shook his head and took her hand, twining their fingers as they walked. He loved his mate. She was the only bright spot in his life just then. He more than loved her, he adored her. And he wanted her. That was natural.

As they met the trail back to the royal meadow she cut him a glance from the side. "Are you okay, Aaryn? Why don\'t we get someone to bring dinner to the cave and just relax tonight? Whatever\'s going on… they can come find me if they need me. And you… I want to hear about your time with the disformed. Do they know about Hholdyn?"

Aaryn\'s jaw went tight remembering that Tarkyn had taken Hholdyn—was likely interrogating the male. One of his people!

He shook the thought off. They weren\'t his anymore. He had to remember that.



"El…" he said hesitantly. "There was a lot that went on today with the disformed," he started, but she shushed him.

"I can already tell this is something we don\'t want to focus on right now. So, let\'s wait until after dinner, or even the morning. Let\'s just… take a break from all that, okay?"

Aaryn looked down at her—eyes soft, brows high and slightly pinched. She was worried, but trying to be kind. And he should have pushed. Should have told her right then. But he was so tired, and she said they could wait.

So he put it aside and nodded. He would tell her after dinner. Definitely. He wuldn\'t wait until the next morning. She needed to know. Needed time to get used to the idea that her unpredictable brother was, at least for now, the Alpha of the disformed. The tribe that needed to be brought under the hierarchy.

Aaryn swallowed and was washed in a wave of self-doubt. It had seemed such a good idea to give them to Gar at the time, but now…

What if Gar wouldn\'t take responsibility?

What if he did and led them into rebellion?

What if they were already in chaos?

No. Gar could be flippant and secretive. But whenever it counted, he always stepped up. He crossed the line a lot in his personal relationships, but rarely where it would cause harm to others. He would see the need for the disformed to conform and come under the leadership of the tribes… wouldn\'t he?

Aaryn cleared his throat and made a mental note to speak with Gar as soon as he could. To explain the dynamics.

"Aaryn?" Elreth said his name like she\'d said it more than once and was becoming concerned.

He turned to look at her, surprised. "Sorry! Sorry, I was just thinking. What did you say?"

"I said, should I ask the sentries to send someone to bring us dinner?"

"Yeah, I think that would be—" he cut off as the sound of pounding feet echoed from behind them on the trail. They both turned quickly to find Tarkyn and a couple guards running towards them in human form.

Elreth put a hand to her stomach, holding her shirt closed and Aaryn bristled at the threat of another male—especially Tarkyn—staring at her skin when she didn\'t wish it. But even as he tensed, Tarkyn didn\'t seem to notice. He saluted as he reached them then looked at Aaryn.

"Have you heard?"

Aaryn nodded. "I don\'t know details, but I know enough of what he was saying, what he claimed. And that he was taken by you for discipline. I thought we agreed—"

"I didn\'t think you would be able to attend today, Sire," he said formally. "Obviously I was wrong. I\'m sorry."

Aaryn blinked, but then realized the other two guards were standing at Tarkyn\'s back. He was being an example.

This was the leadership that the disformed needed as well. Aaryn sighed. "What have you learned? Was he lying to save face?"

"We don\'t know for certain yet. He talked easily, and several hours didn\'t change his story. But we need to decide whether we attempt to find evidence of the things he\'s discovered tonight, or wait until morning."

Elreth cleared her throat and they both blinked. Tarkyn turned to her and saluted again. "Apologies, Sire, I thought Aaryn—"

"I\'ve already spoken with the Elders. Lhern was going to arrange guards for the Portal and some patrols to ensure we don\'t have any more intruders—or this one doesn\'t leave. And we\'re calling security council for first thing tomorrow—unless you have learned something that needs to be addressed immediately?"

"I…" Tarkyn looked uncertain, which was odd. Aaryn frowned. "I honestly don\'t know," the male said frankly. "I have some theories about what Hholdyn found—if the things he brought prove to be true. But until we\'ve reviewed them with reliable trackers… I can\'t be certain."

"Are we at risk of losing the trail for this human?" Elreth asked, her voice clipped and concerned.

Tarkyn shrugged. "There\'s always a risk. But if his claims are true, it seems unlikely that this human is trying to leave. As long as we have guards at the Portal, I think we have mitigated that risk. I would be more concerned about why they\'re here, and whether others plan to join them."

"Do we need to follow these leads tonight, in the dark?"

Tarkyn blew out a breath. "I\'d be more inclined to use this time to prepare people and have them out at first light. We need to get this right."

Elreth inclined her head. "Then that\'s what we\'ll do. We\'ll call for dinner to be brought to the council building. You can eat now, while we call the council together, then you can fill us in while we all eat," she said, turning on her heel towards the City. Certain of her path.

Aaryn found he was envious of her surety.

He looked at the handsome Captain, his own feelings a strange mix of gratitude and defensiveness against the male.. But Tarkyn just murmured to one of the guards to send for the meal, then followed Elreth, smiling briefly at Aaryn as they began to walk again.

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