The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 538 - An Alliance Like Never Before (5)

\'For being gods, they are quite... foolish.\' Arnold thought on his way to Muspelheim, \'Little did they know I could make out what they were thinking just by looking at their faces. Planning to backstab me? Hate me? Wanting to use me? Let\'s see who will use who when I am done doing what I have to.\'

There was one thing Arnold hated the most. An Alliance that is formed by mutual need and not by the trust between each other. Such an alliance is always doomed to fail. But before taking any rash decisions, Arnold wanted to give the Asgardians a chance to make him trust them. 

Even though most of them trusted his judgement, there were quite a few of them who didn\'t. Sadly, this was enough of a reason for Arnold to deem all of them as gods who will potentially betray him. That was the reason why Arnold decided to change the plan drastically.

He could no longer depend on the Asgardians. But he still needed some form of explosive support if he wanted to even stand a chance against the army of Zeus and Loki. As much as Arnold did not want to admit it, it was thanks to Odin, that he would be getting just the thing that he wanted.

\'"Let\'s shake the universe, shall we?" Arnold mumbled as soon as his feet touched the surface of Muspelheim, "It is hot... incredibly so. I can feel the heat through the armour. I better not let any of the summons touch the ground or they\'ll burn to a crisp before I can do anything."

Thinking so, he opened a portal right over his head and out of it came Scylla and on top of her were Arnold\'s masterful necromancer summons. Anubis, Talos and Yan were riding on top of Scylla because of the reason Arnold mentioned earlier.

Namely, Talos had been the best Necromancer Arnold ever had. But that wasn\'t true after the inclusion of Anubis in his army. Talos was incredibly skilful as he had proven time after time over the years. But then again, he had his drawbacks when it came to resurrecting someone.

Everything that Talos resurrected immediately became a part of Arnold\'s elite ranks. Which was good only if Arnold wanted to resurrect a certain person, god, or creature. But if Arnold wanted to resurrect an entire army... Talos was not able to do so.

That\'s when Yan came in. The Lich was more than capable of resurrecting any number of dead... but just like Talos, Yan had a drawback as well. The creatures he resurrected were only raised as basic Zombies and skeletons, which was good to increase the size of Arnold\'s army but otherwise were kinda useless. 

With Anubis, however, Arnold had found a way to get rid of both Talos\' and Yan\'s individual weaknesses while combining their strengths. It was as if they were members of some sort of trinity that Arnold unintentionally completed with a bit of luck.

Why was Arnold referring to them as the \'Trinity\'? Well, it was because that\'s what their synchronised skill was called... \'The Trinity of The Dead\'. The three of them were strong individually... but when they banded together, they were damned near unstoppable.

Arnold had kept it hidden from everyone. Only the four of them were aware of this skill and its effects. However, this was the first time such a skill was being cast... even the gods had long forgotten about the existence of such skill. As three necromancers allying themselves with each other wasn\'t a sight even they got to witness in millions of years.

\'Let\'s see them in action for the first time,\' Arnold thought to himself before turning towards the necromancers, "You better put on a show for our spectators!"

The three of them nodded and got to work. Within moments, an invisible link formed between Talos, Anubis and Yan. Their individual powers had become one. All of a sudden, the ground beneath them started moving as if the planet itself was coming to life.

But then the land burst apart and out of it walked... hundreds of thousands of fire giants. It was a sight to behold as the giants of various shapes and sizes kneeled before Arnold and the three necromancers, recognising them as their masters. 

But it wasn\'t over just yet. More and more giants continued to pour out of the surface as the temperature of the planet gradually got lower and lower. Within a minute, the ground beneath Arnold\'s feet was covered with more than four hundred thousand giants. 

The number was less than what Arnold had estimated but it wasn\'t over yet. After all, all these fire giants had just come out of one of the six continents of Muspelheim. So the way Arnold saw it... there were more places for them to visit and cause havoc.

"Pretty sure those bastards are shaking in their seats right about now..." 

At this point, Arnold couldn\'t stop laughing... and quite maniacally. Either way, his prediction was correct. The Asgardians along with everyone in Zeus and Loki\'s party were shocked like never before. But none of them was as shocked as Mimir.

It was not a difficult feat for anyone to trick the gods. But it was quite a wonder if someone who managed to fool the torsoless Mimir. Only Loki had been able to do so before and now Arnold had joined the ranks with him.

Mimir had wondered what was Arnold\'s true purpose of visiting Muspelheim and he had arrived at one result. He was going there to resurrect Surtr. That was the limit to which Mimir could have predicted Arnold\'s actions according to what he had been doing until then.

But never in his wildest nightmares, he would have thought that Arnold was going there to resurrect an entire planet and restore the undead fire giants back to their full glory. But no one could blame him for not thinking of such a scenario.

After all, Arnold\'s summons used had used an ability even the Gods had long forgotten about. But there was another entity of the universe who was interested in Arnold.. However, his curiosity wasn\'t enough to make him appear in front of the universe just yet.

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