Destroying My Own Novel

Chapter 399 398: City On Fire.

The phone was ringing so loudly and it was in the middle of the night. Gustav was sleeping with his wife and it woke them up, and when he wanted to decline the call, the caller was Janice, his assistant. He picked it up as he walked out of the bedroom.

"Yes?" Gustav asked as he scratched his eyebrow as he tried to open his eyes fully.

"Sir! I\'m sorry for bothering you early in the morning, but you have to look at the news right now! District Two is being invaded by demons!" Janice\'s voice trembled in fear since she lived in District 2.

"What?!" Gustav opened his eyes wide open and hurriedly walked back to his room to turn on the TV.

"It\'s a demon, Sir! We are losing and the whole city is on fire!" Janice said as she breathed heavily. "What are we going to do? The Awakeners that we sent, there\'s only a few of them left," Janice was scared and she started to sniffle.

Gustav turned on the TV and switched to the news channel. The first thing that he saw was a bright red flame on the screen. The city was on fire and it looked like a sea of flames, and when the cameraman tried to get a closer look at the city, something flew by helicopter and struck the helicopter down.

"Honey? What\'s wrong?" The wife asked and her eyes were still closed.

The wife opened her eyes and saw the helicopter and the cameraman falling down fast to the ground. Before they hit the ground, the news changed the screen back to the reporter. Gustav, his wife, and the reporters were shocked by what had just happened.

"Janice! Are you still there?!" Gustav asked.

"Yes, Sir. I\'m still here. What should we do, Sir?" Janice asked.

"Leave, you must leave! I\'ll ask Mykel to help you. So hide, and don\'t die," Gustav said as he was still in disbelief.

"Yes, Sir," Janice replied and hung up the phone.

(In the apartment)

Mykel was staring at his phone and it vibrated. He was waiting for the phone call from Gustav.

"Do you know what time is it?" Mykel asked as he pretended to sound asleep.

"My-Mykel, something happened to District Two! The demons! They\'re attacking the city, and the city is being swallowed by fire!" Gustav said and he was panicking.

"And?" Mykel asked in a flat tone.

"Please, help them! There are thousands of innocent lives are still in the city. They can\'t leave because of these demons, and nobody can stop them. So please, bring your team and defeat those demons. Your team is the only one that can defeat them," Gustav explained and he sounded so worried.

"Aren\'t you the one who didn\'t want the Guild Association to deal with this matter in the first place? Why don\'t you go and deal with it yourself?" Mykel asked as he put a cigarette in his mouth.

"Please! Mykel! It\'s not the time for us to argue over that!" Gustav shouted and he felt guilty about it. "Asmond and his team are currently leveling up inside the Lucifer Tower, and it\'s impossible to bring him back. We don\'t have much time, Mykel!" Gustav continued.

"You owe me one for this, Gustav. Remember that," Mykel said and hung up the phone. He then warped to the suite.

Mykel looked at everyone who was still awake and watching the TV. They were surprised when they saw Mykel, and Jeanne immediately ran toward him.

"Mykel! Is this their doings?" Jeanne asked with a worried expression.

"Yes, but I warned them to not hurt civilians, but that\'s not why I\'m here," Mykel nodded his head. Everyone looked at him and waited for him to continue his sentence. "Get all your stuff, we are leaving for District Two. You guys are going to stop them," Mykel continued as he pointed at the TV.

Everyone looked so confused since they thought Mykel was planning on doing that in the first place. But then suddenly he asked them to stop Agnez and the demon princesses from killing the Awakeners. They weren\'t against the plan, but they were curious why suddenly he changed his mind.

"This is a part of the plan. I kept it a secret from both you guys and the demon princesses. It would be suspicious for demons to only attack Awakeners and ignore the normal humans," Mykel said as he watched everyone pack their stuff. "That\'s why you guys are going to stop them before they start to realize it," Mykel continued.

"So we are really going to fight them or do we only have to pretend?" Rozan asked.

"Go all out. Let the world see how powerful you are. Let them know how the strongest Awakeners fight powerful demons," Mykel answered as he gently tapped the cigarette to get rid of the ashes. "Since you all have been leveling up a lot, I bet you want to see how powerful you are against them, right? This is your chance to see if you\'re strong enough to kill a demon princess," Mykel smirked as he puffed the smoke.

Everyone was pumped up and could wait to settle a score with those demon princesses.

"You guys ready to go?" Mykel asked with his hands in his pockets.

"We are ready," Jeanne answered.

Mykel warped to District 2, and they saw it with their own two eyes, the sea of flames that swallows District 2. Rozan and Gerrard immediately flew up high into the sky and cast rain to pour the city with cold water.

"We are free to kill them? The cult members?" Sven asked with his scythe resting on his left shoulder.

"Yes, kill them, but don\'t destroy their bodies. Deviatris will be going to need their bodies for the experiment. You can cut their heads and limbs, as long as they can be reattached," Mykel answered.

"Jeanne, lead the way, please! I have been wanting to show my skills to these people," Sven grinned as he looked at Jeanne.

"Nagy, Vincze, I need you to escort the people who are stuck in the city. You are free to kill as Mykel said and come to us when you\'re done," Jeanne looked at those two. "Gunnar, Sven, let\'s fight Agnez," Jeanne continued.

Everyone nodded and went their separate ways while Mykel watched the flames in front of him. It reminded him about the second vision that Edith had, about him destroying a whole city on fire.

"(Looks like she turned a blind eye to this one)" Lucifer said.

"(Of course. It\'s because Asmond is still too weak, and he hasn\'t gotten the Semi-Deus skill. The moment he got that skill, it\'s when it will going to happen)" Mykel replied as he smoked his cigarette.

"(Can I ask you a question?)" Lucifer asked. "(We both know that your body is powerful enough to withstand the souls of my last sister and brother. With their power, you should be invincible, so are you not going to kill those Empyreanian?)"

"(Chronokinesis and Caelestikinesis. They\'re indeed powerful abilities, but I\'m not going to kill them for those abilities. I\'m not in a hurry. I can find them through Nurturing)" Mykel answered.

​ "(You really don\'t want to kill her,)" Lucifer said.

"(She has another purpose. To destroy Asmond from the inside,)" Mykel answered, and then he heard loud roars from the sky.

Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, and Echo had been summoned by Rozan. It looked like he had met with Frigna up in the sky, and was about to fight her. On the other hand, Gerrard went to help Vincze and Nagy to find the trapped people with his wolves and crows.

"The duel is about to start, it\'s time for me to see which one of them is the strongest," Mykel said as he watched buildings crumble in the distance.

Mykel flew up high into the sky and went to the scene where the buildings crumbled. He then landed in the middle of the street where nobody was around and people had been evacuated. In there, he saw a few people behind them, hiding and recording everything.

Jeanne was standing a few meters away from where Mykel was, and she was holding her Soul Catcher Sword. The cloud of dust was so thick that she had to squint her eyes to look at the person in front of her.

"The last time we fought, do you remember, Jeanne?" Agnez\'s voice could be heard from behind the thick cloud of dust. "It was raining like this, and we couldn\'t finish the fight. This time, let\'s see who\'s the best swordsman on Earth," Agnez continued and giggled mischievously.

Jeanne drew another sword, and then she threw it at Agnez.

"No hard feelings," Jeanne said as she readied her stance.

"Yes, no hard feelings," Agnez appeared from the cloud of dust as she caught the sword. "The one who lived is the winner, so don\'t think of holding back," Agnez slit her hand and covered the blade with her own blood as she grinned at Jeanne.

"I\'m not planning to," Jeanne grabbed a vial of poison and emptied it in a single gulp.

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