The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 53


Just as he approached the end of an interesting paper on how mana could be used to control humans as puppets; Eira’s soft voice interrupted him. The voice, normally dignified and confident seemed to have changed into one of a puppy begging for her master to not leave her alone. In front of her, after pushing over the door left ajar on purpose for air to circulate more easily. Staxius had his back turn to her, he sat in the middle of the circular room filled with bookcases who looked like the walls itself. They reached up high and ladders were used to reach the higher books who were more precious. In the middle of this library, he sat, hunched over as he pierced the manuscripts.

“Who is it?” he asked out of courtesy, he didn’t want to lose his focus just yet. Before Eira could state her name, he raised his right hand and waved; motioning her to leave. Almost instantly, he added, “do come by later, if you would.” The hand lowered and firmly grasped the papers as if they were going to be stolen. Eira didn’t budge an inch, instead, she stood, and carefully eyed the man she called father. One by one, she examined his hair, long and always tied in a ponytail. His face, a sharp jawline, and his figure – one of not a trained warrior but one of a scholar. Not too big, not too small; plainly average. The clothes he wore weren’t that lovely to look at. They were torn, well once were torn, but now were patched up by other pieces of fabric: some were red, while others blue and some even went so far as pink. It didn’t look that bad for the tears were small in comparison. Just as she was about to finish her examination; Staxius turned around, the face looked plain and in the same motion spoke monotonously, “is there something important you need?” After realizing it was

Eira, the plain face change unnaturally. A smile emerged; the gaze seemed to light up. “What brings you here?” he asked once more but the voice had more impact and feeling to it.

Amazed by how easily he controlled his emotions; Eira stared in awe. Her eyes grew wider, she knew about dark-arts, as Undrar had recounted her tales about how Staxius could manipulate people seamlessly. However, seeing it up close felt both like a blessing as well as a curse. The curse is the knowledge that the smile he gave out was undoubtedly fake and meant to ease up the victim’s guard. And the blessing is the fact that he was doing it out of courtesy and meant no ill will. Her admiration broke when he seemed to teleport in front of her, a few waves before her lifeless eyes got her back from her dream.

Using the same tone as before, he asked yet again, “Eira, you with me?” Staxius let a smile escaped as she shook her head as she snapped out of her state of confusion.

“Forgive me, I’ve come at the wrong time, haven’t I?” she asked innocently while her gaze befell the floor.


“No need to look down, come on, let me see those ruby-colored eyes.” Obediently, she stared up unwillingly. “Now, what is the matter?”

“W-why am I acting this way; I should be by all means angry. This is impossible, I should be frustrated and lashing out b-but, t-that man’s g-gaze… It’s soothing.” Eira thought out loud.

Hearing what she unconsciously muttered out, Staxius laughed. “My gaze is soothing, is it? And you should be angry.” He finally stopped. “Is this about me sending you to Clairville academy?”

Embarrassed, she nodded. “Listen to me,” he placed his hand onto her shoulder, “-I’m not doing this out of spite. Honestly, I don’t want you to go there for you see, I can probably teach you all that there is to know about your magical element. However, there’s one thing I can’t teach you, that is, how to socialize with others. I’ve heard from Undrar that you’ve never made any friends, and for a girl your age who’s just begun living, I want you to experience what I never could. I want you to experience everything: romance, friendship, betrayal, and revenge. Live the life that your father could not, I may look eighteen or nineteen but I’m old – very old. Right now, I’d say we look more like siblings. That is if you take away the part where you look like a princess and me looking like a beggar – that’s beside the point. I want you to go out and live your life, for your sake, become independent. I know I said I wanted to spend more time with you, however, that isn’t possible. Dorchester, as you’ve probably heard, is being targeted by neighboring provinces. Do what I couldn’t do, become a better person, be the heroine that shall save us all; Eira, you’re the light to my darkness. I’ve gone beyond the point of no return, and as a wise man once said, “A speck of white on a black canvas might stand out, but that doesn’t hide the fact that the canvas is indeed black.” Heed those words carefully as you go forth on the journey I’ve laid out for you. I’m only providing the first push; you shall need to find your own path. Heck, in the near future, your way of thinking might change and you may see me as the devil incarnate, thus setting out on a quest to kill me. If It ever comes to that, then I’ll willingly fight you as an equal, but that is for you to find out, you and you alone, my dearest Eira. Before I finish, there’s always been a dream I never could make reality. That dream was to make it into the inter-magical tournament, I want you to go and win it, just like your grandfather did so long ago; Tempest Haggard, a man who’s echo can only be heard off drunken workers senseless rambling.” The long speech ended, he slowly backed away and sat down. He faced Eira who stood speechless; Staxius made it so that she had no other options than to say yes. Her frivolous attempt at retaliating against his wishes ended in defeat.

“I understand father, but you got something wrong.” Her gaze sharpened.

“What is it?” he curiously asked.

“I’ll never hate you,” like a stray cat, she scurried out of the room. The one-sided argument ended.

As if nothing happened, Staxius held the dusty manuscript once more and resumed the lecture.

Far, far away from Dorchester, the sun who blazed the soil in an unrelenting assault of heat and light seemed to have been tamed by trees. A castle stood in the middle of a giant forest, the trees seemed to touch the sky and its clouds. The leaves and branched felt like artificial roofs, here, under the same cover, the greenish castle stood. It blended perfectly with the surrounding, nature hadn’t been disturbed, said castle felt like an extension. A small path cut through the labyrinth of a forest. It was the only point of access, up high, elves with their bow ready and waiting, watched. Any subtle movement of the leaves, whether it was animal or no, the perimeter around that fortress was shot on sight. An ancient tree, in which a hole as big as the two-story-high buildings in Dundee stood.

Within that trunk, stood the green fortress. A fortress who has only been seen by the residence of Arda. The scale of that tree trunk was indescribable, it was as large as castle Garsley; if not bigger. The bottom floor served as a checking point; the military stood there. A floor above, within that same tree, a small town: houses, huts, taverns, and other miscellaneous buildings stood. The same floor was repeated almost identically above them, and finally the last floor, the castle stood. A large staircase went round the edges on the inside. Outside, each floor had a small road leading out, a bridge but reinforced by earth magic, they scattered all over the forest; easy access was necessary.

Inside the castle, Shanna Islegust lived, the self-proclaimed queen of Arda. A fairy whose age is unknown. She is so powerful that the name Shanna Islegust is but an alias for her real name, anyone who dares speak it would be judged and if found guilty and not worthy was killed on the spot.

Outside of Arda, almost no one knows of her existence except for a few who have been fooled about who she truly was. Nothing ever escapes the province of Arda, that nation is closed as a black hole.

The layout of the castle is ever-changing; instead of doors – portals are used to travel up and down.

Hence a correct map of that place is deemed faulty and useless.

Ever since Erlareo Enbalar and Ygannea Enbalar came back from Dorchester; the queen has been more or less agitated. “My queen, if you’ll excuse my boldness, may I speak out?” An elf bearing long blond hair with blue eyes spoke. He was dressed elegantly. Next to him, on each side, two other knelt.

“Speak,” she ordered while gritting her teeth.

“We’ve got a report saying that princess Galienne is sending over envoys to negotiate.” He calmly


“Yes and what of it?” she shrugged.

“Your majesty, her sending over envoys doesn’t bode well for us. You see, the portal to Dorchester’s noble district is just about done. The effort and manpower put into building that will go to waste if those envoys are to come peacefully.”

“Are you insinuating that we should not allow envoys from her royal highness into our kingdom because the portal I ordered you to build is nearly complete? How foolish are you, I don’t care if we spend resources on that trinket; my only concern is us becoming a free nation. I say this out loud and for everyone to hear, I will not tolerate any scheme or conspiracy that could hurt this dream of mine; a dream every demi and non-humans share. We shall receive the envoys but on our terms only, tell the princess to have her men sent to the edge of our provinces, we will be the one in charge. If she doesn’t accept our terms, then too bad, we’ll head for the noble district.”

“As you wish ma’am, I shall obey your every order.” He scowled, “this queen is but a coward, I need to show her that humans are not to be trusted; much less be given a chance to be compared with us, the superior races. I’ll have the envoys killed and hence begin a new war, Shanna Islegust is but a fraud.” He thought. The elegantly dressed elf was one of the people who support demi-human supremacy. A faction who only recently came into the limelight; also, said individual is ranked as the fifth most powerful mage in Arda with an SS-rank. He earned that right by defeating Kreston’s holy paladin’s personal guards who were reportedly only three ranks behind the paladin. On their own, those guards could easily match the silver guardians; some could argue, even defeating them.

It goes to show that said elf was truly powerful. The aura in the throne room began to change, the queen’s gaze went from agitated to stern. It was as if looking at medusa, her anger began oozing out. “I’m a fraud?” her tone pierced through the room. “Elves are the superior races?” she sarcastically added.

“H-how did you,” *Lightning and light element activate; Lightning prison.* Five purple lightning bolts got conjured, they each got impaled around the queen in a pentagonal shape. A barrier was brought forth afterward; Shanna Islegust was immobilized. “Your majesty, you’re but a fraud, I shall personally end your life gracefully.”

“Gold element activate, watch my most powerful attack; a thousand swords.” With a maniacal laugh, a thousand golden sword each baring differing shapes and sizes, some enchanted, while others cursed, all got conjured up. With a snap of the finger, each one pierced her majesty. The room went silent, the queen was killed, or so what he thought.

“Is that all you got,” she sighed. *Ancient magic, Rose’s thorn. * A small thorn appeared as she pointed her index finger up, “-die.” The moment she pointed at the elf, he instantly fell.

“Servants please if you would.”

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