The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1003

“Of course,” she gestured; the room cleared. Igna’s stern gaze remained as long as the room held intruders. Once gone, he eased and focused on the elusive leader. ‘Rose Edelina, head of Thunderstain faction, an organization of spies and thieves. The current trade is information – for the right price, anything is possible. Aunt Elvira and Edelina seem to have a very friendly accord. They left decades ago; leaving behind two amazing supercars. Heard bits and pieces of their newer activities, but never thought much. They chose silence and cover as opposed to the fame and fortune that comes with being strong. Didn’t expect her to be a nightwalker. By the smell of her blood, her appearance, and aura, she was turned by a lesser nightwalker, someone of Viscount rank. My ploy to catch her attention’s worked.’

“Majesty, I do beg your pardon for any affront my workers may have caused. The girl especially, she’s a compass for righteousness. Her religious belief in Tharis has brought plenty of problems. Talented as she is, her quirk is very undesirable. Who am I to complain, her activity seems to have brought his majesty to my doorstep. Therefore, tell me, my liege, what can this humble servant offer?”

“Humble servant,” he paused, striking a stern posture, “-I should be the one thanking you for the honor. I’m no man of lifeless compliments. Your accomplishments and excellent stewardships made Plaustan a better place. the efforts greatly beneficiated the palace, we know Plaustan is in right hands.”

“You honor me, my liege. Shall we get to the matter at hand?”

“Right, my visit,” the fa?ade of idle chatter vanished, “-I need information, more specifically about Achilles and Kniq. What happened after the guild disbanded, how did the hero die so easily, and why does the town venerate her actions?”

“Astute of you, my liege. You’re correct. Achilles’ death was nothing short of heroic... so would the guild want us to believe. Truth of the matter, we don’t know how she died. Her body was found lifeless and without mana on the 99th level. It would have remained unseen lest for a powerful group of adventurers led by students of Leko’s Academy. Achilles’ team was found decomposing. The tower strangely refused access to the 100th floor. And that about covers it.”


“That’s all?” he leaned, “-here I thought there was more to the mystery. Guess it’s enough for one day. Rose Edelina, it was a pleasure to see you again.”


“Hold on a moment,” she interjected just as he reached for the handle, “-a pleasure to see you again?” her frail figure rose timidly, “-are you him?”

“The resemblance is uncanny,” he returned coldly, “-and that’s all we have in common. My uncle had a weird way of making friends. By the trembling of your thighs and the look on your face, I think, well, it might be a good time to not bring up old memories. Until again,” he crossed into the clean, minimalistic hallway.

Night would come swiftly – the booked inn had less of the gallantries the king came to take for granted. The single chair, single table, single meal, was eaten in a single bed, single window, and single door room. ‘a loaf of bread and some stew,’ he ate, ‘-a good meal that’d taste better with the usual faces. Memories of the old days,’ he eased as the curtains drifted, “-tonight’s going to be another sleepless night,” an interface toggled – Elixia commented through a chat-box, “-how’s the cold food,” she inquired with a smug sticker. He swiped, pushing the box to the side, only to have a miniature Elixia leap into the display and pull the box, “-don’t ignore me,” she wrote with one hand firmly on her hip and the other pointing. “-Got it,” he replied to a deluge of information from across the globe.

Details oceans apart seemed closer than what actually was here. That night, under the moonless sky, a haunting incident would force Igna into action. A similarly deserted room thickened. A domain sneakily expanded; “-you’ve come to collect?”

“Yes. The strong decide who lives and who loses. To show our might, I must do my lady’s bidding. I apologize, Lady Death, for it’s time to return to thy other self.”

“Damn,” she sighed, ‘-if only Achilles didn’t die, if only we lived in the previous timeline, I would have had a simpler and fulfilling existence. They foiled the tapestry of destiny, she’s going to return, there’s no stopping lady Destiny,’ horse hooves galloped. A rupture tore into the domain effortlessly, “-Undrar, God of Death,” proclaimed the rider, “-and you must be the emissary from Lucifer.”

“No, I belong to lady Ereena, I belong to the queen-consort of demons.”

“Right, I’m here to collect my other self. You best leave,” she climbed from the headless steed and drew a scythe, “-else, I’ll have no option than to exterminate your lineage.”

“Understood,” the domain retracted, “-long as she perishes, my duty is complete.”

“Okay,” the god of death turned – chains birthed from the agony of the sinful crawled from the lower realm and bound the demon, “-WHAT IS THIS!” they cried.

“Protection,” she answered, “-can’t have you pull any tricks,” the focus horned onto Viola’s trembling body. Undrar lowered to one knee and held out her arm, Viola coughed and extended her hand in return. They clasped hands and crossed fingers, “-Viola, I know the pain and suffering were hard to endure. I know how the shift affected your life and those around you. You were cursed to not speak the truth, forced to be a slave to that vile Artanos. There’s so little we could have done. I’m here, you don’t have to suffer anymore, relinquish all the pain, and allow me to share the burden. Viola, we’re one of the same, you deserve freedom and rest – allow me.”

“Okay,” said a feeble smile, “-Undrar, take care of him.”

“I will,” she smiled, Viola’s soul shattered like broken glass and turned into dust, which was absorbed by Undrar.


“Why are you laughing?”

“Lord Artanos was right,” smirked the demon, “-you people are all the same.”

“What about serving Ereena...”

“The soul you absorbed, the life you took on as your own – it doesn’t exist. The Viola you’ve come to know was killed a long-time ago. Her memories and heart were transplanted into a clockwork vessel. They who absorb the latter shall also inherit the cursed lord Artanos bestowed.”

It came abruptly, Undrar’s strength dropped, and she fell onto the cold floor, “-luckily, the power of Death is more trouble than lord Artanos wishes to take. Instead,” the soul binding chains shattered, the demon’s chest split as if a door. A golden-haired deity emerged from the mess of blood and torn innards. The symbol of thunder laid on their neck. A darker presence materialized in a sudden jolt; two strong entities stared down Undrar’s fading strength. ‘-a repeat of the past,’ she gritted, ‘-they’ve inflicted the same curse they used to kill Staxius.’

“Dimension Orin,” said the golden-haired deity, “-what a wonderful realm. Such abundance of power truly is the pinnacle.

“Don’t be distracted, my lord, your body is yet recovered.”

“Oh, dear Lixbin, there’s nothing to worry about. Artanos has made certain the plan goes according to my will. And here,” he marched and gripped Undrar’s chin, “-is all that I wish to have. You people have caused much grief,” the supposed exalted voice deadened into an emotionless echo, “-I’ve come to take back what I rightfully deserve. The symbol of death,” he ripped her armor, exposing her chest and undergarments, “-there it is,” the pentagram laid in the middle, “-Death’s mark. The ultimate show of strength, the ultimate show of power. Weaklings must have never been granted such an honor.”

Undrar exhaled a laugh, “-Zeus, Lixbin; today marks the second time you tried.”

“Second time?”

“Of course,” she smiled, “-regardless of what happens to me, Death’s symbol will never be inherited by the likes of you.”

“What’s she talking about?”

Another portal opened, “-Death’s symbol can’t be usurped,” answered Qhildir, God of Philosophy, “-death’s one true property is that tis biased.”

“And?” the thunder god bellowed a roar, “-HOW DOES THAT AFFECT ME?”

“It means we can’t take the symbol by force. The wielder must willingly give the symbol else it shall self-destruct and find another suitable host.”

“So, take it then,” narrowed Zeus, “-Qhildir, expand your domain.”

“If I do that, this realm might be at risk.”

Zeus returned a stare as if Qhildir had spoken nonsense, “-does that matter?”

“Let’s take her to the heavenly realm,” suggested Lixbin, “-we’ll have more chances there.”

Zeus clapped, “-well, if we have to return, how about I have some fun first. Undrar, was it?” he knelt and clasped her face, “-I need heirs to carry my blood, I need warriors to rival the titans. Artanos gaining power, I can’t stand by and watch. If the element can’t be transferred forcefully, I’ll just have to make sure when you die, the symbol falls into one of our heirs.”

“That’s a good idea too,” added Qhildir, “-though, is Undrar your type?”

“My, unlike you, Qhildir, I do keep my women close and on a leash. Same can’t be said about your righteous Syhton, poor lass had no chance.”

Lixbin placed a hand on Qhildir’s shoulder, “-don’t,” he strongly said, “-you’ll be in more trouble. Let the supreme god do as he pleases.

Undrar kept her disgusted regard, “-supreme god... how bloated a title can it be?”

“Excuse me?”

“Zeus, you’re nothing. Why not sleep with one of your daughters while you’re at it. Damned lustful geezer. I swear, before you even dare to lay a hand on me, I’ll make sure you and your realm suffer a fate worse than death.”

“HA! And how will you do so?”

“Well, it’s not me,” she smirked with back against an open window, “-should have killed me when you had the opportunity,” a demented figure blasted into the room and shattered the building with a single strike. Debris exploded on the opposite street, crashing into other buildings – citizens were forced to evacuate, Undrar’s strength dimmed as she breathed, the curse dug wholly into her heart.

“And who might this be?” the three gods hovered.

“Don’t remember me?” echoed a darkened voice, “-you don’t remember me?” a trail of purple followed in a massive explosion, and Qhildir hit the floor. Protective barriers mean nothing – an array of crimson threads fluttered; mere contact sufficed for the threads to slice. Buildings were cleanly sliced in half, bodies of dead inhabitants and adventurers scattered.

“Alfred,” narrowed Zeus, “-it’s you.”

“Long time no see.”

“Zeus, we should leave, like now.”


“Trust me,” narrowed the god, “-we have to leave.”

A numbing feeling went up the arm, Zeus lowered his gaze to no left arm, “...”

“Zeus,” the figure teleported behind and instantly shoved him to the ground, another explosion rattled the whole town. The dust settled over the creator, “-you fucker,” Igna punched and punched, breaking bones, dislocating jaw and breaking teeth – Zeus’ bloodied face barely breathed, “-enough,” a dark domain expanded, “-Igna, leave the supreme god alone.”

‘So dark, I can’t see anything,’ a pressure flung him across, he landed against something hard, “-damn,” *cough,* “-the hell was that?” even darker objects went through the chest, arms and legs, ‘-I’m nailed to the ground or a building... I don’t feel pain, I don’t feel anything. This sensation of nothingness,’ *thud,* ‘-I know it too well,’ worse fear came to mind, ‘-no...’


“Igna,” thundered a distant voice, “-until the time is right for the battle, you must strive to become even stronger. At your strength who shan’t be able to carry the burden of Menka. Freeze thy heart and become the Devil this era needs,” the domain released, he fell and bled from the various mortal wounds, “-Undrar... UNDRAR!” no pain nor suffering, only her face flashed into mind, “-UNDRARRR!”

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