The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1097 - 1097 The New Director

“By the old Director’s authority of course,” Lucifer’s winged symbol hovered between Igna’s hands, “-as for my title of Death, it comes from my inheritance of multiple symbols.”

“Are you,” Skeptor’s tightened his gaze, “-perchance,” and took time between his words, “-the one responsible for Lucifer’s downfall and eventual death?”

“My word, you must be a very astute individual.”

“Thank you, I don’t get praise often,” he gloated, Igna’s sarcasm didn’t register.

“No matter, let us go around the table for an introduction. Starting with you.”

“Ahia Gron. Professor of the Magical Arts and Physical training, in charge of the Students,” she bore a motherly figure, frizzled hair which seemed to lessen with Age. Crinkles along her mouth and forehead, her rounded glasses, and black hair were hard to miss.

“Denver Jogn,” said another, “-Professor of the Magical Arts and Physical training,” he returned, “-in charge of the Academics,” compared to the previous, he wore classier clothes and carried himself with a lot of dignity and respect. Lighter colored hair and a stubble gave the young man some age, though, in more aspects than one, was very much young.

The introductions continued, many gave their name and didn’t have much to say about their position. Subjects were taught according to the departments, and each department had a head, thus, to make the filtration easier – remembering the heads would be simpler with future meetings being organized.


“My turn,” Skeptor rose with confidence to stare at the new director, “-Skeptor of the East, Arch-Demon under Leviathan. I humbly introduce myself, director Igna. I’m in charge of the Academics. It is customary for the Academy to be split into its respective departments, the fields are spread into four major segments under which more detail and specific path can be taken. General Studies, Magical Research, Design and Art, and lastly, Combat ability. Students are required to take General Studies and are allowed to choose a single department for their studies – and most often go towards Combat Abilities. Clubs activities fall under their teacher’s jurisdiction.”

“A segregation of talent. Not that I’m surprised. Tradition is tradition. Four departments and specific paths for each. Might I ask who are the respective heads of what department?”

“In charge of General Studies,” said Luci.

“Head of Magical Research,” added Skeptor.

“Head of Design and Arts,” said a smaller figure with hair tied in a ponytail, “-Emmie Hens.”

“Head of Physical Ed, otherwise known as Combat Class,” firmed a stronger worrier, a headless knight, “-Dementus, and my assistant,” an angel-like figure stepped into view, “-Yu,” she nodded, her long black hair and fair skin had the men of the faculty skip a beat, her almond shaped eyes leveled against Igna’s and held for a few seconds before breaking, “-that should be enough for the introduction. Director Igna, as you know, I’m in charge of the Academics, therefore, Magical Research and Design and Arts fall into my duties, you, my lord, are to look over General Studies and Combat Class.”

“Right,” he scanned the room, ‘-the division of responsibility is present for my sake. The Director is in a way the ruler of the town, thus, time is limited. Decentralization of authority is a good thing when there is understanding and respect, similar to Hidros and the Shadow Realm. However, here, where there’s clear ambition, Decentralization will seep into the potential of revolt. Centralizing the authority and clearing the roots is a simple solution, one I can’t act upon. Feels more like the coming to power of a new land, the teachers are vassals, and the departments the realms. The best way forward is to let the machine run. If it works, it works. No need to care for a greater sense of morality, we don’t need equality; changing a well-refined engine for the sake of a few strays isn’t worth the effort.”

“Director Igna.”

“Professor Ahia?”

She held her words, ‘-he remembers my name?’

“Professor, is something the matter?”

“No, my lord,” a great impression cast over the faculty, “-we’ve yet discussed the matter of the Student Council. It’s been agreed the council has been run by the Academics – this has given rise to much of the student’s mistrust in the leadership. I don’t mean to complain, the Council has quite the authority over the student body.”

“Ahia,” Skeptor flipped his hair, “-the reason for the council’s Academic only reservation is the preserving quality within the school. The nobles are taught how to lead with dignity, they must set an example for the student body. Accepting the cruder students, and forgiving the bluntness, will be putting the whole balance in turmoil. We can’t decide so liberally,” he turned to the Director, Ahia’s head lowered with waning confidence.

‘Must have taken courage to speak her mind. The way he shut her opinion seems normal. The others don’t mind, or they hide so – there’s a disparity between the teachers. Tis a fine needle to walk – my words will give them a reason to believe my faction. Siding with the Academics will further increase their authority as it will mine. Controlling the Council is another way of making the school much more favorable for them. Can’t gauge the discrepancy in treatment –it may all be hyperbolic.’

“I don’t see a reason why the council should be limited to only the Academics.”

“Pardon?” the room divided suddenly, “-are you taking sides, Director?” Skeptor’s hood darkened with somberness. The man’s long fingers wrapped around his staff and the wrinkled pale skin, which seemed younger or older depending on his mood, was quite the sight. Dark-circled and piercing eyes, such was his defining trait – a gaze that’d glared through one’s soul, “-I suppose it is better-”

“I hate interjections.” The room deadened. Igna’s power indiscriminatingly paralyzed the faculty, “-Skeptor, I don’t know how the Academy was run before my arrival. I don’t much care for the older power struggle. I’m here as the Director, therefore, I expect a modicum of decency. I don’t demand to be respected, I demand the faculty be true to their profession and show decency, and by that, I mean, manners. Do I make myself clear?”

“I understand Director, my apologies. I got carried away.”

“Where was I?” he paused, “-yes, the council. I don’t see why it should be restricted to the Academic faction. The Academy is merit-based, yes? Why not allow Students to partake in the election? I mean, the better choice is ultimately who will represent the Student Body, therefore, you needn’t worry about quality, for the selection process itself roots impurities. Am I not correct?”

A long pause hung over the faculty, ‘-the director isn’t to be messed with,’ echoed professors under Skeptor.

‘He sees the world differently to what we’re used to,’ Luci grinned, ‘-he may be the correct way forward.’

‘If given the opportunity, Igna might steal my authority. I’ll have to play my cards tightly, can’t allow the director to steal my spotlight,’ a sweating Skeptor closed his prior boldness in favor of Igna’s larger expressive motion.

“Everyone, as is a new start for Ragno and the Academy, we will have to get used to each other. The process will take weeks, months, or even years. It doesn’t matter, our job is to make certain the students can draw their full potential and leave knowing they can survive the outside world. Especially since a war might be on our doorstep. Skeptor, I will count on you to handle the Academics – there’s nothing much to change with the current leadership. Handle affairs as is wished, I will take care of General Studies and Combat Class.”

‘No change?’ they blinked, ‘-this director, who is he?’

Meanwhile, time struck 08:46, students ambled to the assembly – an amphitheater built southeast of the Academy at a ten-minute walk.

“Another school year.”

“We’re back and ready to climb the ranks.”

“Did you hear about the attack on Ragno? I heard students were killed.”

“Yeah, one’s from the commoner faction. They died on the battlefield like losers. We had Skeptor to keep us safe, so much for their combat abilities… ha-ha-ha.”

“They never change,” gritted the other faction, “-always look down on us, I don’t get it, why do they hate us so much.”

“Calm it, there’s no use fighting. We should focus on our studies, yes?”

“Yeah, I know… you saw what happened, didn’t you? You saw the fight, you watched as kids our age died. It was traumatic… the spells I used, it didn’t do anything…”

“Enough, Arde, you’ve said enough.”

Silence gradually swept the assembly. Faculty stood on the stage and waited on the side. A student, a young lady dressed in white and blue, walked across the stage and took the podium, ‘-the Student Council president,’ Igna waited off-stage, ‘-she’s going to retire in a few months,’ their conversation came to mind, “-good morning, director, my name’s Lilia Enns, I’m the daughter of the Arch-Demon Kemsto of Lucifer’s faction. Our family has lost their prestige ever since lord Lucifer’s death. I’m graduating soon as we don’t have the means to continue my studies. Without prestige, no one at this academy can survive, I’m an example, director. Waning prestige and I lost my place as the president. Instead, I expect Hena from Arch Demon Skeptor’s branch family to carry the torch. I wish I could have stayed a little bit longer.”

“Lilia, tell me, what is your wish?”

“My wish?”

“Pardon the phrasing. What is it you wish to see from the Academy, what are your ideals?”

“I want a place where everyone can have a chance to fight. It’s fairer for both parties. I see the pros and cons of my noble birth – I’ve had life relatively easy and I don’t dare compare myself to those who took the test. I want to stay at the academy and fight with my friends. Skeptor threw me aside when father died… we live- I’m sorry, I shouldn’t bring family affairs-”

“Don’t worry,” he smiled, “-think of me as an older sibling or parent figure. I’ll be here to offer my advice. Lilia, you said you understood the pros and cons and made amends with the noble birth. As prestige wanes, you’re forced to quit… however, you’d rather stay and study?”


“By the way, Lilia, did your father ever go to another dimension to greater Lucifer’s authority?”

“Not just father, my brother went too. He never returned… we got the news they were killed by the Devil.”

‘The students, were they the strongest?”

“Yes, my brother and his friends were given the honor of the mask. Lord Lucifer granted them his crest… it was the best part of our family’s history, to be blessed by Lucifer. I heard they wore a mask and became mute to fight the desires… they were proclaimed as heroes by lady Ereena and said they died valiantly on the battlefield.”

‘-Lucifer’s academy having their top students become mute and faceless,’ the strings of destiny, ‘-I killed them. I killed her brother during the assault when Ereena revealed Achilles’ death. Part of my action must have triggered the downfall of her family. To think I’d be reunited with the younger sister.’


“Lilia, I have a solution to the waning prestige situation. It will take hard work and patience.”

“I’ll do anything, director.”

“Let’s discuss it in my office later, understood?”

“Yes, director.”

Lilia’s speech neared its end, “-with that being said, the council expects great things from this year’s new students,” applause, “-I would like to call on our Academy’s new director, Igna Haggard.”

‘My time,’ he climbed the stairs, and the audience went mute. Igna exuded vampiric charm and stoic beauty, the women could but stare, their focus locked on his face and well-refined body. Even the men were impressed by how beautiful the director seemed, the white hair ending in specks of red, ‘-is he a god?’

He stared at the audience and grinned, “-good morning, students, and very warm morning to our faculty. It’s my honor to be your new Director, rather, that’s what I’d love to say. To answer your questions, why am I the new director?” he leaned into the mic, a sense of terror eroded the stage, “-I killed Lucifer.”

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